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Eagle Bear Lodge Update

Eagle Bear Lodge located in Tatla Lake, BC, Canada has had some exciting wildlife photo opportunities. Bald Eagles have been spotted flying across the snow peaked Niut Mountains with Eagle Lake in the forefront. We have been greeted by moose and deer around the lodge as well as a fisher and a pine martin. Black bears have been spotted in the area as well.

Birds have been busy nesting around the lodge: Great Horned Owl, Mountain Blue Bird, House Finch, Cliff Swallow, Arctic Tern, Rufous Hummingbird, Piliated Woodpecker and many Robins. We have been entertained by mating dances of the Rufous Hummingbirds, Cowbirds and Swallows and waking up daily to the calls of Common Loons on the Eagle Lake.

Image above: Great Horned Owlet Canon MarkIV F.5.6 1/1000 sec. ISO 400 by David Hemmings.

Birds are flying about with wonderful displays; Three Toed Woodpecker, Male Harrier, Golden Eagle, Yellow Headed BlackBird, Evening Grosbeak, Calliope Hummingbird just to name a few. The wildflowers are starting to come into bloom. By the end of June and July we should have some incredible macro and landscape photography opportunities.

We are excited about the BC Grizzly Bear Photo Workshop in September. It is sure to impress. We are keeping this workshop intimate with 4 people maximum. Check out some of the BC Bears Gallery Photos.

We are still working on Eagle Bear Lodge and hope to have it open soon. We are looking forward to adding a few more workshops including Old Wild West Photography, that will make you will feel like you are in an old wild west movie.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and share our blogs with friends and family.

Happy Shooting! Questions?

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