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Every serious bird and nature photographer should visit Churchill in June at least once. This photographic workshop has been scheduled to coincide with the burst of life that occurs in June. Birds will be everywhere and it is light for 18 hours a day in Churchill at this time of year.  With beautiful breeding colored feathers and landscape backdrops of light purple, and tundra landscapes you will be sure to capture a photo to be framed for your collection. There is an abundant amount of photo opportunities everywhere! Species Include:  Red-necked Phalarope, Common Eiders in breeding plumage and nesting Arctic Terns. Pacific Loon, Long-tailed Ducks and Common Mergansers.


June  18-23. 2018. Group Size 6 max.

June 18-23. 2019

June 18-23. 2020

6 Days / 6 Nights arrive June 18th, depart 24rd  ( Book overnight flight in  Winnipeg

on the 16th, on the 17th fly in Churchill Manitoba by Calm Air. Return: Leave Churchill

on the 24th to Winnipeg overnight or evening flight home.

Flight Destination: (YYQ Ariport) Churchill, Manitoba Canada

$4,399.00 USD Deposit $1000 required.  Single Supplement $250.


Included: All expert photo instruction, breakfast. Airport pick up and drop off.  Price includes all accommodations (including first night),

Not included: International airfare to place of tour origin. Tips for staff such as guides.

Fees for passport, visas, immunizations and insurance. Meals, beverages,

alcoholic beverages. Laundry, phone and other items of a personal nature. 


In June the frozen tundra springs to life. As the ice melts birds arrive mating and nesting begins. Beautiful wildflowers blossom everywhere creating fantastic backdrops. We have always managed to find a Pacific Loon nest and venture into the pond in waders for some incredible photos of this beautiful species. We will travel across the tundra to key bird locations. Some birds include American Golden Plover, Whimbrels, Hudsonian Godwits, Willow Ptarmigans, Dunlins and if we are lucky Ross's Gull and Tundra Swans.We will also have opportunities to shoot the beautiful Arctic Hare. There will be plenty of opportunities for flight shots as well as portrait. We will teach you everything you need to know to capture that coveted action shot! In addition we will be taking a boat ride to go whale watching seeing the incredible Beluga whales. 


Arrival to Churchill. 

After breakfast we head out to breeding and nesting sites along the tundra. You may also be taken to marsh lands, and blinds for different photographic opportunities of birds and other wildlife including fox. We will take advantage of the light for incredible photo and video opportunities. Returning back for lunch and heading back out again in the afternoon and returning back for dinner and a good nights sleep for the action packed photo opps the next day. Depart back to Churchill airport, transport included. 


Our workshop gives you the training, techniques and the opportunity to master your skills of photographing birds in flight and well balanced portraits. Photograph the magic of shorebirds wings paddling along the blue water and then taking flight with purple and red wild flowers in the back drop. Capture a Red Necked Phalarope in flight with a full frame shot of wings spread across your lens. Eiders and Scoters in breeding plumage will be sure to impress you.  We continue on this journey and introduce you to nesting pairs of Arctic Terns. To complement your collection capture the classic Pacific Loon in their natural habitat from a blind.  Long Tailed Ducks and Common Mergansers are abundant. As you are travel on this adventure through tundra, don’t be surprised to see the Arctic Hare’s glare back into your lens.

Key Learning Objectives:Metering and exposing for different lighting and shooting conditions.Searching and obtaining desirable backgrounds for your subjects.Capture action images including flight shots. Proper techniques to consistently capture good flight images.Proper use of flash as fill and ambient lighting

Recommended Equipment:It is recommended that each participant bring the following equipment:A digital SLR and a lens of 300mm or greater.A tripod is recommendedA wide angle lensA flash.

Please read our Refund Policy . Do not book your flight until we confirm.


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