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Purchasing the Right Tripod

When purchasing camera equipment selecting the right camera body is a journey on its own. Just as important is the tripod you select to be the key physical support system to camera and lens.


What happens when you select the wrong tripod?


Although you have invested handsomely into your camera body and accompanying lenses, a well- made Tripod is just as important.
Just imagine, you on the Peru Photography Worksop located in the amazon in South America.  Hummingbirds are fluttering about around you with the sound of waterfalls in the background. All of a sudden, a red flash fly’s in before your eyes. WOW! It’s the rare male Andean Cock of the Rock bird now perfectly perched on a branch. There he is sitting giving you the opportunity to capture an incredible full frame shot. Sitting proudly displaying his red head, a jungle background and the perfect perch you start to take incredible shots of this rare bird. Bursting away you notice something, the focus point is raising higher and higher as your lens droops down. You automatically take your eye away from your shot and tighten your tripod. Again it’s starts clipping the head of your shot. You tighten again.  Now he fly’s away due to your movements tightening your equipment.


“What is happening?” you ask yourself. Chances are you did tighten your tripod enough. Although the manufacturer’s details outline it can support the weight of your lens, with wear and tear over time the maximum load becomes compromised. Therefore your camera lens will droop.


The Solution to Fixing your Tripod Slipping Problems:
Unfortunately, you will have to invest in another tripod to support the lens you are using. Just as important is the Tripod Foot – Ball Head versus Flat Foot (another article).


When selecting a tripod be sure to invest in a good quality carbon fiber tripod that can carry at least one more load weight than your heaviest lens. We recommend investing in a lens that can carry the load of a 500mm. It will be sturdy for almost all lenses other than the 800mm – and can take the wear and tear over time.
Carbon Fiber is a must! If you plan on travelling these tripods go through a lot and plastic made tripods just can’t withstand the wear and tear. The last thing you want is a broken tripod when on a photography workshop.


Weight matters. You will be carrying this tripod with you on jungle trails, hikes and through airports. Too heavy and your jungle hike will be short and more of a physical workout than a photo adventure.
Quality Brand:  If you ever need a replacement part purchasing from a top manufacturer will most likely have the part you need.
Re-sell Value: If you change your hobby it will be easier to re-sell a quality item.
Long Term Solution: As you get more invested into photography purchasing more lenses you will not have to buy another tripod. Investing a bit more will pay off in the long run.  If your tripod desires are out of your photo budget try purchasing one used but buyer beware, be sure to read the  Buying Used Equipment article.
Recommended Tripod Brands: BENRO


Tripod Care: Be sure to clean your tripod thoroughly after each travel tour. Sand can get in between the adjustment legs and if not cleaned you will not be able to tighten the extension legs. 

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