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Owl Photography in Winter

Wild Barred Owl Photograph by David Hemmings

Shooting images with snowflakes and snowy conditions can make some of the most beautiful images. Get out into the winter wonderland and take advantage of those wonderful snowflakes. The image on the left  Barred Owl eating his breakfast was taken by David Hemmmings on the Snowy Owl and Owls Photography Workshop held every year durirng end of January and Febraury on such a day. 


Notice how the snowflakes are a bit blurred while the owl is completely  in focus. Be on center point focus and focus your lens on the owl's head with a half press of the shutter release button. Then press completely down the shutter release taking many photo shots of this magical moment in the outdoors. 


How to create this type of image:
Camera on Aperture Priority (Av) Mode

This image was shot early morning in very low light conditions. To make sure that there was enough shutter speed to freeze the motion of the owl eating,  Dave needed to stop down -open up and a lower F-Stop and increase the ISO.


F-Stop Aperture should be F2.8 or your widest F-Stop your lens allows. This image taken on Aperture Mode (Av) with F-stop 4.0 and shot with a 500mm lens. In this case the 4.0 is the lowest a 500mm will allow.


Shutter Speed determined by the camera becasue you are in Av mode 1/200

Your ISO – sensitivity to light should be at least 1600. The increased ISO increased the shutter speed to freeze the motion of the owl.



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