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BC Grizzly Bears - An Intimate Encounter

Having been at several Grizzly Bear photo destinations I have to say our BC Grizzly Bear Photo Workshop location has a special place in my heart. We started by taking a 45 minute helicopter ride over the mountainous BC wilderness and incredible views of one of the largest ice glaciers in North America.

Our helicopter softly landed next to the river. As soon as you stepped onto the riverbank you felt a sense of calm and saw eagles watching as we gathered our photo gear. You can’t help but feel in amazement as your feet land on this special place.

With only 6 cabins at this destination and one main cabin for meals it certainly gave the feeling of being very remote. Each log cabin is suitable for 2-3 people maximum. Each has a wood stove to keep you toasty warm at night. Accommodations are clean and cozy and nearby to the main lodge.

Within the first 30 minutes we had our first encounter with a wild Grizzly Bear. There she was off in the distance making her way towards us fishing up stream for her daily salmon meal. With plenty of room along the main cabin deck for everyone and their tripods, we got our trigger fingers ready for that incredible full frame bear shot eating a salmon.

She drew nearer coming within 15 feet, she looked right us head on with those incredible brown eyes. It felt as if she was giving us a personal welcome and showing her great salmon catch to us. Watching and photographing this beautiful grizzly was certainly a special moment. We photographed her full frame eating her salmon. I certainly didn’t expect to happen so quick on the first day, we were off to a great start. Throughout the week, we continued to be amazed with the number of bears, females, males and even a cub.

With different three platforms and several different places along the river to photograph the bears and eagles, there were a great variety of backdrops and more endless magical photo opportunities. Bears fishing, swimming and playing. Our memory cards filled up fast and not just one or two days, almost every day of our trip. In addition to the incredible bear photo opportunities, the home style meals were amazing, so good they would impress food critics.

Once again, I am reminded how graceful, intelligent and special Grizzly Bears are and how lucky we are to have photographed them in the BC wilderness.

The BC Grizzly Bear Photography Workshop is sure to be on your top photo destinations. A special place indeed!

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