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The Perfect Holiday Gift for Photographers that have it all!

Are you having trouble finding the perfect holiday gift for the photographer in your life? I completely understand, being the wife of David Hemmings I find it difficult to find the perfect gift. Typical gifts from camera lenses, new camera bodies, tripods and other photographic gear are out of the question. He already has it all. Top of the line binoculars for those bird and owl sightings preparing for the next photo workshop adventure, well I already used that idea up a few years ago. An idea came to mind that would be unique and refreshing for him to hear.

This year your gift will be “A photo trip of your choice, no questions asked. Just take the time and book it”. Dave has proven to me in the past an extreme idea can become an amazing photographic experience with memories lasting forever.

Typically, Dave works on me a bit in regards to the next adventure. My typical reaction is where? How long? What exactly are you planning to photograph and how much?” A few years ago, Dave said “Let’s go on a photo adventure and discover something new to offer our clients. Let’s discover Belize, that’s the place to photograph the Orange-Breasted Falcon, an amazing raptor”.

After learning there were only 18 pairs in South America, I said “Are you serious? Where are you going to find a wild Orange-Breasted Falcon to photograph in Belize? Well, after touring and photographing amazing birds and wildlife in the jungle, savannas and going up into the pine forests of Belize, we found one sitting on the edge of a 2000 foot cliff. No railings in site, not a tourist attraction or in a zoo. An Orange-Breasted Falcon freely sitting on a branch on the side of the cliff. It was a magical moment and we both got the rush of excitement and approached it with caution. We both lost ourselves in the moment. We were lucky that day and photographed this amazing bird perched full frame and captured some rare bird in flight photographs. I struggled to capture video of this bird as I hung on to the cliff side, and not looking down. After he flew off the cliff and I got back into the reality of this dangerous situation I experienced that Dave has tried to explain to me over the years on why he is so passionate about photography. It’s the experience of photographing the almost impossible, and sharing these images with others to enjoy. I couldn’t believe it and still to this day feel very fortunate to have a personal experience with such a rare and endangered species. On that trip we left with shared memories, discovered amazing bird and wildlife photographic locations, stayed in amazing luxury jungle lodges amongst the wonderful culture of Belize. So, if you are looking for a unique present of memories to last a lifetime, that will impress the photographer in your life, just say the words “This year your present is a photo workshop of your choice”. See you on the next Natures Photo Adventure! Read more about the Belize Photography Workshop

Happy Holidays! Jennifer Hemmings

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