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The Central American country of COSTA RICA is world famous for its coffee, as a surfing destination, and above all else for its astonishing diversity of wildlife and scenic beauty. Cost Rica  "The Rich Coast" is a country is home to over 9000 species of flowering plants, over 600 species of butterflies, more than 200 different mammals as well as prehistoric looking reptiles and boldly colored amphibians. With over 875 species Costa Rica is home to more avian species than Canada and the United States combined. Opportunities for landscape photography are equally diverse with mountains, beaches, volcanoes, tropical forests, waterfalls and much, much more.  We supply the multi-flash set ups for hummingbird photography for all of our workshops. Not a photographer? No worries, we always offer one of our cameras for you to use should you like to participate. For those looking for hummingbird multi-flash photography Costa Rica has a large variety of hummingbirds to keep you busy all day long. Species Include: Resplendent Quetzal, Fiery-throated Hummingbird,  Green-crowned Brilliant, Montezumas, Violet Sabrewing Hummingbird, Flame Tanager, Blue Grey Tanager, Red Legged Homeycreeper and more... 



Flights to arrive Oct.03 and return flight Oct.10. 2018

Oct. 22-29.2018 - Arrival 22 depart Oct.30.2018

Workshop Leader: David Hemmings. Group Size 6:  Do not book your flight until we confirm. 

Flight Destination: San Jose, Costa Rica (SJO) Juan Santamaria International, arrive in San Jose, Costa Rica

Price: $1999 USD per person Deposit: $500

Balance due Aug. 31.2018. Physical Activity Level: Moderate. 

Included: All expert photo instruction, meals starting with welcome dinner on first night, guides, drivers, land transportation. Airport pick up and drop off.  All accommodations based on double occupancy.(Single Supplement $200 per person)

Not included: International airfare to place of tour origin. Any additional nights accommodation outside of the tour dates. Additional tips for staff such as guides and camp staff. Fees for passport, visas, immunizations and insurance. Some meals, beverages, alcoholic beverages. Laundry, phone

and other items of a personal nature.  Extra day trips not included in the itinerary.



On this photo adventure we will focus on the following opportunities:

Multi-flash Hummingbird Photography: Learn techniques to use 4-6 flashes to achieve otherwise impossible flight photographs of these flying jewels.  We will be sharing  techniques for taking multi-flash images that actually look natural . Using flash effectively as a source of fill light: Because tropical regions are often cloudy - it is extremely important to learn how to use flash - either as fill or as a main source of light. Participants will also learn how to do set-ups for birds using more than one flash. These skills can easily be taken home and applied in your very own backyard!

Attracting birds to a perch setup: Participants will learn strategies to attract birds to a given perch and how to achieve images that have attractive light, an outstanding perch and a smooth background.

Macro photography of tropical insects and frogs: At each of our locations there will also be opportunities to find and photograph an amazing diversity of colourful frogs, butterflies and insects. Spectacular landscape photography: The rainforests of Costa Rica are spectacular places and the opportunities for landscape photography are superb. We will also keep our fingers crossed for a clear day up in the mountains where we may be able to create beautiful mountain images.



B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=DinnerDay 1:  San José/Hotel Robledal (Night 1)

Arrival to Costa Rica. Meet our representative at the Juan Santamaría International Airport and transfer to your hotel near the capital city of San José, the Hotel Robledal. Those who arrive early can take the afternoon to photograph the beautiful tropical flowers and birds in the hotel’s gardens or sit by the pool and relax for the day. Welcome dinner (D) Overnight Robledal. 


Day 2: San Jose to Poás Volcano and Coffee Tour (Night 2)

We travel to the Poás Volcano  and learn about Costa Rican culture and the coffee making process.  We will enjoy the landscapes and tropical gardens and review settings and basic photographic techniques.   Along the way we stop and take  advantage of some of Costa Rica’s landscape opportunities.  (B, L, D) Overnight Hotel Robledal. 


Day 3:   San Gerardo de Dota Region –Hummingbirds and More! (Night 3)

We drive across the mountain range of Costa Rica to the San Gerado de Dota Region. We arrive at our next location in the cloud forest of Pariaiso Quetzal Lodge. A jungle lodge, perfectly name for one of the most beautiful birds the Resplendent Quetzal. You will be immersed in exuberant vegetation and pristine habitat where you will get to know the most intimate secrets of the region.  During your time spent at this lodge you will be exposed to many types of photography opportunities from bird in flight, macro to amazing hummingbird multi-flash hummingbird photography. In the evenings you can take a night walk and photograph the many incredible creatures active during the night. Refine your photographic skills and enjoy the nature trails in this lovely area.  There are plenty of bird photo opportunities at the feeders. 


Day 4:  Resplendent Quetzal and Emerald Toucanet Night 4

We take the day with the goal of photographing the Resplendent Queztal, the Emerald Toucanet and other birds.Resplendent Quetzal- The very beautiful and popular Quetzal can be found pretty much anywhere in the valley, often flies across the lodge's grounds looking for fruiting Lauraceae Trees.  Spot-crowned Woodcreeper- Found in primary, secondary, and disturbed areas, it usually accompanies mixed flocks. Pariaso Lodge (B, L, D)


Day 5/ Day 6 Multi-flash Hummingbird Photography Night 5-6

We start the day with your Workshop Leader, David Hemmings explaining the use of flashes and a multi-flash set up and how to bring out those incredible colors and freeze wing motion.  Watch the amazing colors light up before your eyes. Other photo opportunities around the lodge areas. 

We take day trip to the Quebradillas area to photograph the White- throated Mountain Gem, Violet Sabrewing, Scintilland Hummingbird and other tropical birds  and more.


Day 7  Return to San Jose – Hotel Robledal (Night 7)

After breakfast and some more photo opportunities, we will return back to Hotel Robledal. Along the way we will stop for landscape photo opportunities. After lunch we discuss our best moments and view some of our incredible images. (L, D)


Day 8 – Check out.  Flight back home.   ***Itinerary subject to change if rooms are not available at the lodges. Please read our Refund Policy


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